• Nepali
  • Nepali
  • Nepali

What you can do
to stop a 9 year old girl
from getting sold into sex slavery

Gospel Aid is a non-profit organization
that helps uplift the people of Nepal
under caste-based discrimination
and empowers them to lead a life of dignity.
Change driven by the power of the Gospel
Worldwide, starting with Nepal.

One person is being sold every 15 seconds
of which, 80% are women and children.
And this is an opportunity
to change the odds, even by a fraction.

People are still facing discrimination
due to the ancient caste-system

Children are trafficked and exploited because of poverty.
If they can seize the opportunity to escape poverty,
the fate of many will change.


The Three Rs



Rescue of children who are at risk of trafficking, exploitation, and abuse, such as orphans and those living in poverty.
Identification of the need for rescue and including the required paperwork.
The target people groups for rescue are:
1. People at risk of maintaining a dignified lifestyle such as orphans and homeless
2. People at risk of being trafficked and exploited
3. People who desire to be rescued
Gospel Home, a place where the tired and broken can live in peace
Poor, homeless and orphaned. Children living at the Home were at risk of being trafficked and exploited.
Now, they sleep comfortably, wear clean clothes, attend school, and are full of hope for a bright future.
Training local leaders
The staff working at Gospel Home belong to one of the lowest castes in Nepal as well, just like the children who were rescued.
But now, they have come to adopt a new set of values, taking care of the children, loving them, and nurturing them.
They also have a clear vision for their families back home, and are eager to rebuild their villages affected by poverty.
We provide cooperation, education and training to the staff to enable them to achieve their vision.

Restoration of individual dignity

Village Life Improvement Project
In rural areas of Nepal, people are subject to oppression due to discrimination, patriarchy, and superstition.
With our interactions with the locals as foreigners, we introduce a new way of living and a new set of values ​​that enable us and them to respect each other.
We also provide farmland development, technical guidance, and goat breeding support.
Training for Working in Japan / Supporting Small Businesses
Language training and employment support for Nepalese youth who are willing to work in Japan.
Support for various businesses launched in collaboration with Badi Cafe

Your actions can drive worldwide change

Partnering Organizations